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Cleaning Contaminated Surfaces

Every contaminated equipment or work surfaces must always be cleaned up by an appropriate disinfectant as soon as possible according to schedule as follows:

  1. Clean-up of spills and broken glassware/sharps
  2. Paper or absorbent towels to soak up the spilled  
  3. EPA registered or 10% bleach to clean the area.
  4. Take the disinfectant and saturate the spilled area and wait for 10 minutes.
  5. Never forget to dispose of towel or paper into two waste containers.
  6. Always wear eye wear protective mask if you suspect splashing.
  7. Whenever you are removing any sharp material use brush and dust pan forceps,haemostat to remove. Never use your hands.
  8. Remember to discard all materials into sharps or puncture resistant waste containers.


CPR / AED / First-Aid

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M. P. Khan